Meeting Recap
Adam Osgood
Hello Everyone! Adam Osgood joined us to talk about his work and showed us how to create Gif's (Tutorial on gifs will be posted later.)
Adam Osgood is one of the teachers here at CCAD, he studied in college as an Illustrator and obtained a masters as an animator.
Mr.Osgood Love to practice different styles and encourages us to do the same. Doing this teaches you to develop your own style and be unique among your peers.
He originally wanted to be a Fashion illustrator but obtained a job working as a designer. He recommends us to accept lots of different jobs when we graduate because turning down a job just because it was not your dream job is not a smart idea.
Adam recently worked on a music video for the Big Black Delta music group to create an animation for one of their songs. He used 2.5 d in after effects to create some of the scenes present in the video.
His advice for sequential artists is to work out your story and make sure everyone understands what is going on. If they do not understand then your story can be not as engaging.
Q: How long did it take you to create the Music Video?
A: 3 Months. (He was also able to create the storyline for the video himself)
Q: Was some of the music video done in a 3D program?
A: No, He used 2.5 D in after effects to make 2D images into a 3D looking environment
Q: How did you learn 2.5 D?
A: When he was attending college he had classes that dealt with after effects, which gave him some experience with the program. But later on he just "jumped into" the program and taught himself how to use it. (He recommends looking at and Digital Tutors)
Here is Adam Osgood's Blog and website,
Also here is Big Black Deltas website,
Tutorial on how to create gifs will be posted on the ISC Blog within the next few weeks
Meeting Recap
Character Gestures with the ASC!!
This week we joined teams with the ASC and had some fun with drawing character gestures.
We had members pose and the group had to draw the models as their own original characters and characters from movies.
Join us next meeting for more fun and tutorials!